Dr. Yugang Guo, Co-founder of Leman Biotech, Gave Presentations in Three Industrial Technology Exchanges


From August to September 2022, Dr. Yugang Guo, co-founder of Leman Biotech, and his team members were invited to participate in three industrial technology exchanges, namely "CGCT 2022 2nd China Gene & Cell Therapy Innovation Forum (Suzhou, August 19-20)" hosted by Porton Pharma Solutions, "IGC 2022 6th Immunotherapy, Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy Convention (Beijing, August 30-31)" hosted by the Chinese Society of Biotechnology, and "BioCon China Expo 2022 the 9th International Biopharmaceutical Conference & Exhibition (Hangzhou, September 6-8)" hosted by Biomap Global, all influential industrial technology exchange conferences where experts in the field shared the latest development of cancer immunotherapy.



In these three conferences, Dr. Yugang Guo gave presentations on the core technology Meta 10 of Leman Biotech: restoring the vitality of T cells by enhancing the oxidative phosphorylation of terminally exhausted T cells, stimulating the potential of T cells, and comprehensively improving the response rate and efficacy of cancer immunotherapy. Dr. Guo also presented the IL-10-Fc fusion protein therapy being developed by Leman Biotech and the metabolically armed CAR-T cell therapy, which has demonstrated impressive anti-solid tumor efficacy in multiple tumor models, and the cure rate in some solid tumor models has even reached 100%. Dr. Guo analyzed the immunological mechanism of metabolic reprogramming through detailed research data, proposed a simple model of the key factors that restricts the current cancer immunotherapies, and a next-generation cancer immunotherapy targeting terminally exhausted T cells. These presentations received positive attention from the participating experts. Dr. Guo also had in-depth discussions with academicians and industry leaders such as Academician Chen Dong, Professor Bin Li, Professor Cheng Qian, Dr. Liqun Wang, Dr. Lianshan Zhang, and Dr. Jian Liu.




About Leman Biotech


Leman Biotech is a clinical-staged cancer immunotherapy company co-founded by Professor Li Tang of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and AI-driven drug R&D leader XtalPi. The company combines innovative metabolic reprogramming technology with cutting-edge AI drug discovery platform to develop next-generation cancer immunotherapies. The core technology Meta 10 has the potential to cure solid tumors, as demonstrated in the published research in the top academic journal Nature Immunology, and has PCT patents in 56 countries and regions, covering major economies in the world. The company has a highly qualified R&D team, with over 70% of its personnel having graduated from esteemed Chinese and international universities and holding extensive industrial experience. Several of Leman Biotech's R&D pipelines are in advanced stage of development, including a metabolically armed CAR-T cell therapy in IIT clinical research stage. In December 2021, just half a year after its inception, Leman Biotech completed a successful angel round of financing, raising nearly $11 million, with plans for further financing underway. Leman Biotech is committed to finding solutions to the bottlenecks in cancer immunotherapy, improving the response rate and efficacy, and making unremitting efforts to achieve the ultimate goal of curing cancer.